Main Priority: Discovery
Characterisation: Explorer
Who am I? How far, how fast can I go? What is over there? What will happen if I do this? Life is a voyage of discovery, an adventure, an experiment.
You are generally full of spontaneous energy, new ideas and possibilities. It may mean taking a risk, but if the feeling comes to you, you are ready to leave it all behind and follow your impulse wherever it may lead. You cannot commit totally to decisions that could tie you down, lock you into routine - there must always be doors that open to change and new directions.
Your creativity is in the breaking of rules, conventions and stereotypes. The discovery of new and exciting people/music/ideas/films/places/ways to do things. Friends are most probably very important in your life, and you like to work and play in a group. What you respect in others is originality, a real point of view, true to itself, attitudes that don’t compromise. And imaginative, clever, ambiguous, somewhat extreme or sometimes even slightly cruel ways of expressing an individual take on reality.
Main Priority: Control
Characterisation: Succeeder
You are powered by a strong goal orientation; your long term growth plans backed up by the confidence of high self-worth. The underlying aim of your drive is duration and stability, a desire for lasting personal achievement. It’s possible that you have a forward plan of your life worked out, and think in terms of strategic moves towards willed outcomes.
Your creativity works in a process of simplifying complexity – cutting through ambiguity and extraneous complication, organising solutions. And in finding ways to express your conclusions in down-to-earth examples from personal experience.
You do need to be the captain of your ship, separate from the mass of people - and to enjoy the rewards of success as well as the symbols of prestige that inspire the achievement of life goals. You may feel an attraction to things that have lasted for a long time – well-aged single-malt whisky can be one example, a tendency to align yourself with the local political and social establishment another.
You are particularly aware of the importance of inter-personal communications. Socially you feel most at ease with individuals who share your Control priority, but on some level you may need a more caring and protective antidote to the stress and suppression involved in your drive toward success.
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